Talking Animal Reports

My students absolutely love the app Chatterpix.  They create hilarious projects with it, from talking classroom stuffed animals to singing classmates.

Recently we used the app to create Talking Animal Reports, during their Daily 5 sessions. 2015-03-03_1809

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Students self-selected a book to read.  They wrote five or more facts about the animal they read about.  Then they used the iPad app Hello Crayons to illustrate their animal.  After saving their illustration to the iPad’s photo gallery, they imported it using the Chatterpix app and recorded their animal report.  Take a peek!


  • Sara Edgar March 3, 2015 at 8:53 pm

    I LOVE this! We were searching for an easy way to write about farm animals next week using technology. Thanks for sharing!

  • Karen March 18, 2015 at 6:16 pm

    Dang, I LOVE this idea!!!! We have an animal unit coming up, and I will definitely do this one.

  • Karen Glendon March 23, 2015 at 9:34 am

    I love this idea, too! I am trying to incorporate technology into our writing, and this looks fairly simple. I was going to use Little Birdie Tales to share their fiction stories with parents, but am finding it time consuming. How do you go about getting their books/writings online while not eating up a ton of class time and still being able to help other students? I feel my kindergarteners would need a lot of one on one time to do this. Thanks!

    • admin April 3, 2015 at 5:40 pm

      We did the project in stages. Students researched during Read to Self (Daily 5) time. We wrote during Writer’s Workshop. Then, I modeled how to use the app Hello Crayons. I trained a couple of my kiddos to be “experts” so that other students needing help could ask them instead of me (who’d be teaching Guided Reading). =) Then I did the same for how to use the Chatterpix app (importing their Hello Crayons image). This process worked well. The videos saved to the iPad camera roll. I then used the Dropbox app to sync them to my Dropbox file. Then, it was my laptop that I used (and speedy-fast school bandwidth) to upload to YouTube. Hope this helps!!

      • Karen Glendon April 29, 2015 at 10:53 pm

        Thank you! Yes, it really does help me. As I grow in my teaching I want to better incorporate technology especially into writing.

  • Classroom Terrarium July 5, 2023 at 3:24 pm

    […] year when my students wrote their Talking Animal Reports, we focused our topics on Terrarium Visitors.  We used the apps Hello Crayons, Chatter Pix, and […]

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