Students use mini offices throughout the day.
- We make them as a class. Each student assembles their own office.
- Students personalize them (special words are added throughout the year).
- I no longer laminate them, as done in the past.
Items to Purchase
Documents to Print
You’ll notice different versions for some of the documents. Pick and choose. Modify. Do what’s best for your situation! If you happen to run across a broken link in the “Items to Purchase” document, please let me know. I will update it! As of today (3-22-14), all links work!
when will you be posting your daily 5 mini lessons? I hear they are golden 🙂 or where can I get a set?
or where can I get a set?
Hello Amanda! I don’t have anything specific for Daily 5. There is a book though, and I believe the authors have a website that might be helpful! Good luck!
I am going through your Reading workshop minilessons and I was wondering if you have shared the materials that are used for the lessons. For example, in one of the Frontloading mini-lessons, you refer to a recording sheet for Color Hunt. Is that available on your website?
The color hunt download is now available via the Reader’s Workshop supporting files/docs link on this post:
I love your mini offices for your children. Thank you fool the downloads to create them. I was wondering how you put the actual folders together to make the office?
I take three file folders and overlap two of the flaps. I then glue them. I have the kids sit in a large rectangle, around our class carpet area. I then pass out one component that needs to be added at a time. We add it, and then add other components until all have been added. Some classes can do this in one day. This year’s took two days. I used to be really “in control” of this process and the end product and would do it all myself. However, I’ve relaxed a bit and let the kids be a part of the process. They don’t all end up looking exactly the same, and aren’t as neat and tidy as I may have done it, but I feel that they are more inclined to use them because they made them! I hope this helps! PS…I used to also “laminate” them with clear packaging tape. I don’t anymore. They hold up well!
I am trying to open the “documents to print” on this page and it tells me that the webpage cannot be displayed. I am interested in printing the desk folders for my kiddos and one of my co-workers has had much success from using these.
Thanks for your help,
Hi, Hannah – the link works. I wonder if you need to log out of your school email to access. Sometimes if accessing from school, the school network doesn’t allow Dropbox and/or Google Drive. Or, you could try from home! Here’s more info:
Wonderful. Thanks for all those great resources.
We love making our mini offices! I used to make them all myself, but now use two days to make them with my students during writer’s workshop. They have ownership over it since they created it. They don’t look as nearly perfect or aligned just right…but oh well! I don’t laminate them either! They take them home at the end of the year. We can also personalize them too with special words.
[…] mini offices […]
[…] create these in first grade; however, we do have color word and number word charts on our mini offices that get referenced […]