
Take Home Reading Meacham

Our school doesn’t mandate homework.  If we do assign homework, it is to be practice only.  This means that new learning (or relatively new learning) shouldn’t be assigned.  For first grade, we assign no more than 15 minutes of homework.  If students take longer we discuss strategies with parents (time management, timer, seating location, etc).  For students in Reading Recovery or Title 1 Reading, we closely monitor the amount of homework and develop a plan if the added reading becomes too much.

At-Home Reading: Currently, my students self-select reading books to read at home.  They may also have a reading book from our Guided Reading group or Reading Conference time.  They read the books to their parents and fill out a reading log.

download-icon Download Reading Log

Homework Meacham

Math, Handwriting, & Special Projects: In addition, they might have a math sheet to complete (from our math resource).  I also occasionally assign a handwriting sheet.  In the beginning these are general sheets that everyone gets, but then they become more tailored to what letters/numbers the student needs to work toward perfecting.  On more rare occasions, I assign other homework.  For example, during our mapping project, students design/create/draw their bedroom and neighborhood maps.

Homework Bags:  Below, you will find a resource that I do not currently use anymore.  It is from when I taught Kindergarten several years ago.  Feel free to as you wish.

Fuzzy Bear Journal Homework BagFarm Animals Homework BagIMG_1590  Geometry Homework BagIMG_1592Handwriting Homework BagMirabelle the Cow Homework BagSorting and Graphing Homework BagName Games Homework BagOpposites Homework BagMartha Speaks Homework BagNumbers Homework BagShapes Homework Bag1:1 Correspondance Homework BagColors Homework BagFred the Frog Homework BagMoney Homework BagA Hoppin' Good Time Homework BagNumbers Homework BagPositional WordsHomework BagSight WordsHomework Bag

download-icon Download and View:

  • Creating the Homework Bags (Directions/Process)
  • Parent Introduction Letter
  • Bag Activity Directions and Printables

IMG_4277_Small hw.new.4small  IMG_4276_Smallhw.bag.tag.small  hw.bag.stick.small homework.bag.tag.check.off


  • Kriya September 5, 2023 at 1:34 pm

    Mrs. M,
    Years ago you had a double sided sheet with 1/2 page homework for Kinder. Do you still have those? I’m back in K and love them because they’re so short and parents can really see in just a moment how their child is doing. Thank you for looking at this for me.

    • Jessica Meacham September 9, 2023 at 12:39 pm

      Hello — This doesn’t ring a bell! So sorry…

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