THIS post was last updated on: 8.21.22
It has been my pleasure providing so many teachers with [free] updated Calendar Math files for so many years. In truth, I have not had the opportunity to use the files for the past four years since becoming an Elementary STEAM teacher. I am unable to continue updating the calendar math files (in the month by month way I’ve done in the past) due to time constraints.
For this reason I’ve deleted one page of the calendar math files (the year at a glance page) and modified another page (the month at a glance page). The file can now be used month after month and year after year with one minor change at the start of a new year (change the “Today is..” page years by turning off infinite clone, changing the year text, and then turning infinite clone back on). The monthly Calendar Binder insert pages (blank and traceable) will not be updated this year or in years to come.
Generic Calendar Math SMARTboard File
I’m hoping all of this makes sense! For those who liked the individually different month page files, I’ll keep up year 2021-2022 for you (forever) and you can modify the pages that change from year to year.
I hope you all have a TERRIFIC year!!
~ Jessica
WHY Teach Calendar Math? Calendar time is a great way to incorporate a daily review of math skills learned throughout the year. On this page you’ll find three resources:
- Calendar Math Wall Information
- Calendar SMARTBoard Files Information
- Calendar Binder File Information
In our classroom we utilize the Calendar Smartboard, but I have used all three resources at one point in time. Read on for more details and for the downloads! I’d like to share a couple of calendar math resources that I have either found or created that support the use of calendar math within the school day. First up? I’ve completely updated my calendar routine to align with the common core state standards.
View Standards Alignment for Calendar Math
The second resource is an article from Teaching Children Mathematics (2006) about how calendar math, if incorporated well, can improve students’ math reasoning and ability.
- “How Many Days Til My Birthday?:
Calendar SMARTboard The calendar SMARTboard files incorporate similar aspects of the traditional calendar wall. Skills reviewed include:
- graphing
- place value
- addition and subtraction
- fact families
- money
- time
- odd/even
- patterns
- comparing
When you open a SMARTboard file, feel free to edit the file to fit your students’ needs. The files are rather large, and are stored in two locations:
SMARTboard Calendar Files [DROPBOX]: 2021-22 now available!
SMARTboard Calendar Files [GOOGLE DRIVE]: 2021-22 now available!
If you are unable to download from Dropbox and/or Google Drive, try signing out of your school’s Google account. Or try from home. Some schools block Dropbox and/or Google Drive. Unfortunately I am unable to email the files as they are very large.
Calendar Binders Want to involve students as a class while the calendar helper completes the daily SMARTboard or Wall Calendar? Try calendar binders! Students complete the binder activities independently, or in conjunction with the Calendar Wall/SMARTboard routine.
Below you’ll find the Calendar Binder downloads. If you are unable to download from Dropbox and/or Google Drive, try signing out of your school’s Google account. Or try from home. Some schools block Dropbox and/or Google Drive. Unfortunately I am unable to email the files as they are very large.
Calendar BINDER Files [DROPBOX]: 2021-22 now available!
Calendar BINDER Files [GOOGLE DRIVE]: 2021-22 now available!
For the first week or two, I model how to do the sheets. I’ve found that it helps to pin the sheets up on a wall space, give students clip boards, have them sit in front of the display, use a pointer, and do each page as a class. I complete it on the wall space, using marker so they can see it better. They complete it in their binder, using pencil, so they can erase if needed. The first week or so, do it AFTER calendar so that they already have the background knowledge of today’s date, day, year, etc. Refer to the larger calendar as a point of reference, so that students know that when they get stuck on a calendar page, they can refer to the class calendar for help, before coming to you.
Calendar Wall Prior to our SMARTboard Calendar, we had a wall calendar. You can visually dissect the image below to get a better idea of what was included.
Calendar WALL Files [GOOGLE DRIVE]
If you are unable to download from Dropbox and/or Google Drive, try signing out of your school’s Google account. Or try from home. Some schools block Dropbox and/or Google Drive. Unfortunately I am unable to email the files as they are very large.
Tell us about your calendar routine!
Hello, Mrs. Meacham,
I have used and enjoyed the smartboard math calendars in my classroom. I would like to use them again. When I try to download the new 2014-2015 version, a drop box appears and states that it is empty. Is there another way for me to access the 2014-2015 smartboard math calendars?
Thank you very much!
Hello! Try again. I moved files in Dropbox, which apparently created different links. Who knew? Thanks for letting me know! I’ve relinked the files!
I love the binder folders and have used these for a number of years. I cannot open and download the calendars for 2014 – 2015.
Help, I want to get these made before school starts.
Thanks, Patty
Patty – I am sorry you are having trouble! The Calendar Binder insert downloads are in a Google Driver folder. When you click the link above, several files will be visible. Select the one you need by clicking it. Then you will see a preview of the file. Click the download arrow at the top of the screen, above the preview. Then you can save/print. Hope this helps! Email if you need additional help!
I am only finding a calendar for June 2014. Are there any for September 2014-June 2015? I would love to be able to download before school starts! Thanks.
Yes! They are all in one file. Just download the file, open it, and scroll through to see the other months! =)
Yes! I see it now. Thank you!
I am not able to open your calendars. I tried the dropbox and downloading them. I am not able to open the file. Please give me direction in what I should do to access your 2014-2015 school calendar. I really like the calendars that you offer. I have been using them for calendar time for many years. Thanks!
Alvina Hofman
Have you tried again, Alvina? They are in a Dropbox folder. Just click the download link/icon in the post and download from there. If you need directions for how to open/download from Dropbox, I have created a help sheet – Please let me know if you need further help. One thing to note, is that sometimes school districts do not allow Dropbox downloads on their network. Some don’t even realize it, and then change the settings on their network once a staff member approaches them about the problem.
Hi! I am looking for your calendar folder pages – one with the month and tally marks at the bottom and the other page had a weather graph, birthday chart and class lost teeth. I have loved using these in the past. Thanks so much!
Here you go! =)
thanks so much!
Thank you SO much for keeping these updated even as you aren’t using them! They are a LIFESAVER! I just wanted to let you know that the June calendar in the smartboard file says that it is for June 2014.
THANK YOU again!
You are welcome! Glad to be a help. I made a June 2014, but not a June 2015 Smart Notebook calendar…I will do my best to get on the June 2015 before it arrives! =)
Thanks for teaching an old dog some new tricks! Wonderful. Taught one year of a K/1 combination and 26 years in Kindergarten.
Do you still have a link to Barb’s inserts? I love her monthly songs!
Yes! They are under the “calendar binder files” links about half-way down post!
I love your calendar math smartboard…I made a donation because that is a great deal of work…thanks for sharing…however I had trouble last month and this month getting them to download…it says the page can’t be displayed…can you help? Thanks Beth
I am sorry you are having trouble! Which month? Are you at school or home? I want to help! Let me know! =) Jessica Here’s the link again in case you need it or want to try again!
Thank for continuing to make the calendar binder documents. I have used them for several years and appreciate the time you give to recreate something you no longer use. Thank you!!
Hi, Beth! I’m happy to help!! Glad others are able to use them! =)
I love the calendar math pages. I would love an update of the 2015-16 school year to get ready for next year. Will be watching for them. Thank you so much for posting these pages, I have used these for years! Thanks, Cathi
Coming SOON! If you want just the calendar binder pages, I have those ready. Just don’t have the SMARTboard files ready! I’ll make a blog post and announcement when both are ready. However, if you don’t need the SB files, I can email the calendar binder pages to you before I do the blog post. Just let me know!
Yes please… send me just the calendar pages for 2015-2016 calendar binder. Thanks!!
me too…please…and thank you!
Here you go! The calendar binder inserts are done: =) Just waiting to get the SMARTboard files updated and then I’ll update the blog post to reflect the new school year!
Here you go! The calendar binder inserts are done: =) Just waiting to get the SMARTboard files updated and then I’ll update the blog post to reflect the new school year!
I would also love the calendar binder files for 2015-16. Thank you for your hard work!
Here you go! The calendar binder inserts are done: =) Just waiting to get the SMARTboard files updated and then I’ll update the blog post to reflect the new school year!
Here you go! The calendar binder inserts are done: =) Just waiting to get the SMARTboard files updated and then I’ll update the blog post to reflect the new school year!
I would love the calendar file too…I’ve used for years…thank you!
Here you go! The calendar binder inserts are done: =) Just waiting to get the SMARTboard files updated and then I’ll update the blog post to reflect the new school year!
Hi Jessica,
I have been following you for years. I love the calendar math pages. I would love an update of the 2015-16 school year to get ready for next year. I am getting my Calendar Math binders ready for the fall!! Thanking you in advance!!
Kendra Linkletter
PEI, Canada
Here you go! The calendar binder inserts are done: =) Just waiting to get the SMARTboard files updated and then I’ll update the blog post to reflect the new school year!
Hello Jessica!
I just stumbled upon your site and am LOVING your ideas and resources. Thank you for sharing yourself with us. Haha… I’m a year too late and am unable to use your ideas as it’s year-end wrap up now. However, I am keen to implement some of the above resources come September. When will you have 2015-16 resources available for download (particularly the Smartboard files and Calendar Binders)? I am eager and looking forward to giving them a try! Thanks in advance! Talk soon.
Hi Michelle! =) Thanks for the message! Here you go! The calendar binder inserts are done: =) Just waiting to get the SMARTboard files updated and then I’ll update the blog post to reflect the new school year!
I have used your calendars for several years and have enjoyed using them. When I was looking at the calendars I didn’t see one for August 2015, it was 2016. Is it located somewhere else?
Thanks for your help,
Delores Smith
I just created it and added it to the Dropbox file! SO sorry…we start September 1st, and I wasn’t thinking clearly enough to remember that others needed it for an August start date! =D Best wishes to you as you star the new year!!
Hi Jessica (great name!). Your website is amazing!!! I am a first year teachers and your FREE resources have been such a blessing.
I wanted to use your Smartboard files so that a calendar leader could transfer their answers to the board while everyone else practiced in their folder. However I have an ActivBoard :(. I tried to import the files into ActivBoard and tried view them online using ExpressBoards and I got an error each time.
Are the smartboards just a copy of the calendar binder pages or something different altogether?
Hi Jessica (Yes, a great name!) –
Try this:
Please let me know if it works!
Mrs. Meacham,
May I just say YOU ROCK!?!?!?!?
This is my first year outside the classroom (still a teacher, but offering instructional support to my fellow colleagues). I have used your resources over the years. Thank you for making them FREE!!!!
Also, I have shared them with colleagues before but recently I have had that sharing take off!!!! Folks love your materials! I’m not doing anything fancy with them, just supplying the info and modeling it. I just wanted to say thanks for sharing such an awesome engaging resource with your “fellow educators”!
Thank you, Anna! I really appreciate your feedback and spreading the word about my site. =)
I used your calendars all last year and totally loved them. This year we can’t access dropbox at our school (restricted), is there any other way to access the calendar?
I’ll add them to Google Drive today… That’s too bad about Dropbox! If Google Drive also doesn’t work, I have no idea how to get them to you. They are far too large for email sharing.
Here’s the Google Drive link:
Thank you so much for continuing to update your smartboard calendars! My whole first grade team uses it and we love it!! I especially appreciate that you do it early on in the summer so we can get a jumpstart to putting our touches on it for the school year. Feels great at the beginning of each month to know the calendars are ready to go, instead of having to take the time to make a new one!!
You are very welcome, Leann! =)
Tysm for updating the traceable calendars! I use them with my kindergarten class for calendar wall. I do not have a smartboard. We are still using binders?
Glad to help! Smartboards are great, but I have to say that setting up my calendar wall was always fun…one of the highlights of my year!
Hi Jessica, I’m having troubles opening the Calendar Math Smartboard files. When I download a file and it tries to open it immediately crashes. I can sometimes get the files to open by dragging the file into the white area of an empty notebook file. I can then work with a few slides but certain slides make the whole file crash. For example, I can open #1 by dragging the file into the white area of an empty notebook file. As soon as I click on slide 1 or 18 the whole file crashes. Any suggestions?
I tired downloading the calendar wall documents on google drive but once the folders downloaded and I tried to click on them it said it is empty.
I’m not sure you can download the entire folder, but rather you download doc by doc. Here’s the link again. It has the docs inside, as I just checked! Please let me know if you’re still experiencing trouble!!
Hey! Love your smartboard calendars! In the 2016-17 files there is not a calendar for August 2016…there IS however one for August 2017. Do you have the 2016 available? Hope that makes sense!
I had updated the file in Dropbox, but not Google Drive. It’s now updated!! =)
Wow!! Thanks so much for sharing your resources. A colleague of mine sent me this way for smartboard activities and I have found so much more!! I teach a congregated K-8 class and I have a new smartboard but need to find ways to utilize it with children who are unable to easily interact with the board due to physical limitations. I’m definitely going to try to flip my morning circle and calendar over to the smartboard.
Hi, Jaime – Glad to be of help! Best wishes for a fantastic year!
I am having trouble locating the 2016-2017 smartboard calendar.
Here they are!
Thank you so much for sharing these with everyone every year. I’m not sure I can express how much I love your SmartBoard calendar and how appreciative that I don’t have to create it myself every year. You are amazing!
Do you still have the number chart for the smartboard that is shaded and it counts the number of days in school?
I use your smartboard calendar things daily. Thank you so much!
Hmmmm….I’m trying to think if you are referring to my current “days of school” on my smartboard calendar pages, or my former version. Have you looked at the current download? If it isn’t there, then I updated it….I bet I overwrote that file and don’t have the original. If my memory serves me correctly, it was a table (10×18) and the numbers were hidden behind a “shade cell” and we “uncovered” the cell each day of school. SOrry if that’s what you’re looking for and I updated it. Let me know if you need help recreating it or run into trouble. I could help!
Thank you for this resource! I’ve used it for years, in my own classroom. Now, I’m making a binder and helping my little one with it for homeschooling. I can’t thank you enough!!!
Hi! I am sorry I missed this comment. Something is wrong with my notifications I guess! I hope your homeschooling year went well and that you enjoyed your summer. =)
Hi there, someone directed me to you for your resources. Do you continue to update them? When should I look back for 22-23 school year? Thank you for your hard work!
I am sorry I missed this question! For some reason my comments have not been emailed to me. Guess I need to figure out what’s wrong. For the calendars, I did add a message to the top of the post, explaining the change I made this year. Have a blessed year. Thank you! ~ Jess Meacham
I have appreciated these documents! I first used them in my special education classroom, and then in the typical classroom, and now homeschooling my children! Thanks so much for a great resource!
I am sorry I missed this comment! For some reason my comments have not been emailed to me. Guess I need to figure out what’s wrong. For the calendars, I did add a message to the top of the post, explaining the change I made this year. Have a blessed year. Thank you! ~ Jess Meacham
Thanks for the update!
I know you said you wouldn’t be updating the binder pages. I was wondering if you could create a blank one, with just the months, no year, and none of the days blacked out? That would be something that could be printed and used, without the need for annual updates.
Hi Jessica,
I have used your SMARTboard calendars for years with my Kinders and absolutely LOVE them! Thank you so much for sharing them! I see above that it says website was updated 7/31/22. Have you updated the calendars for 2022-2023 yet?
Thanks so much for all your time!!
I appreciate it
Me too, me too! My students love the SmartBoard calendar.
I am sorry I missed this question! For some reason my comments have not been emailed to me. Guess I need to figure out what’s wrong. For the calendars, I did add a message to the top of the post, explaining the change I made this year. Have a blessed year. Thank you! ~ Jess Meacham
I, too, so appreciate your sharing the Smartboard calendar files and was wondering if you will be updating them for this coming year…2022-2023?? Would love if you could!
I am sorry I missed this question! For some reason my comments have not been emailed to me. Guess I need to figure out what’s wrong. For the calendars, I did add a message to the top of the post, explaining the change I made this year. Have a blessed year. Thank you! ~ Jess Meacham
Hi, will this be updated for the 2022-2023 school year?
I am sorry I missed this question! For some reason my comments have not been emailed to me. Guess I need to figure out what’s wrong. For the calendars, I did add a message to the top of the post, explaining the change I made this year. Have a blessed year. Thank you! ~ Jess Meacham
I use your printed math binder calendars with my students to do at their seats while a helper does a version of them up at the board. Would you please update the dotted math binder calendar for the 2022-23 school year? Thank you!
I am sorry I missed this question! For some reason my comments have not been emailed to me. Guess I need to figure out what’s wrong. For the calendars, I did add a message to the top of the post, explaining the change I made this year. Have a blessed year. Thank you! ~ Jess Meacham
Hi there, I see many have asked, so I wanted to drop a line to also inquire about your files for 2022-2023. I’ve been using your resources for many years now and love them (Thanks so much for sharing!!!). Fingers crossed for your updates!
I am sorry I missed this question! For some reason my comments have not been emailed to me. Guess I need to figure out what’s wrong. For the calendars, I did add a message to the top of the post, explaining the change I made this year. Have a blessed year. Thank you! ~ Jess Meacham
Hello! I am struggling to find/get your 2022-2023 calendars. It continues to be the 2021-2022 calendars. I have done everything in which you suggested in order to get them to work, is there another way to find your great resources?
Thank you!
I am sorry I missed this question! For some reason my comments have not been emailed to me. Guess I need to figure out what’s wrong. For the calendars, I did add a message to the top of the post, explaining the change I made this year. Have a blessed year. Thank you! ~ Jess Meacham
Thanks so much for maintaining this resource for so many years. I appreciate all the effort you have put into it, even when you switched teaching assignments. I am constantly amazed at how organized you are. All the best.
Awww, THANK YOU for your comment and affirmation. Appreciated. Best wishes to you as you plan for and start your next school year.