26 years in as an educator and I still vividly remember so many parts of my first year. I know now that I looked at teaching with rose colored glasses– with a skewed ideology of what it would be like. No amount of pre-service placements could have ever prepared me for what teaching really is like. On the job training is where it was at for me — along with empathy, forgiveness, and flexibility. Oh, and a drive to do better and be better. Still, to this day, 26 years later I strive to have and do all those things.
I just finished my 20th year in my current district. Wahoo! I get my 20-year pin this coming August (2023). I teach in an awesome place. It’s a district that is connected physically (all on one campus). So many great things about my district and I love that I get to be there. I still, to this day:
- Smile and/or sigh as I turn into the parking lot toward school and think, “I’m glad I’m still here.”
- Turn my head as I drive down 57 and pass the campus and think, “My school…I love it!”
Last summer I was approached by a high school English teacher, Brett Hanson, to be a part of his new Podcast – The Teacher’s Promise. I’ve never been on a podcast and had not ever listened to any. But I thought, “Why not?” So, the topic I chose was to focus on my journey in balancing the art and science of teaching.
Brett has 26 episodes on his podcast channel, with more in the works! He can be found here, with other teacher resources.

(The girl who believed she could, so she did. And, still, to this day, believes it and does it.)
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