Classroom Terrarium
Establishing a terrarium in our classroom wasn’t a planned event. It happened because one of my kids brought in a cocoon and we needed a place to put it. I thought it might be nice to put it behind glass so…
Establishing a terrarium in our classroom wasn’t a planned event. It happened because one of my kids brought in a cocoon and we needed a place to put it. I thought it might be nice to put it behind glass so…
A Scrabble Names Wall has been on my “wish list” of ideas for a few years. I finally tackled it this year and am very pleased with the results! Want to create a Scrabble Names Wall in your classroom? Read on for…
There will be no anchor charts adorning our classroom walls this year. “What?” you ask! Yes, no anchor charts. They’re going digital (more on that in a future post). I wanted to have something on the walls, and didn’t want…
Last May I let my students rearrange our classroom. Really! I’m not kidding. We had a Guest Teacher in the morning and they worked collaboratively in small groups to rearrange construction paper pieces on large chart paper. Next year when…
The topic of flexible seating in classrooms is everywhere I look! From threads on Twitter and Facebook to blog posts featuring pictures and explanations. For some teachers, flexible seating seems to be a new concept. I’ve even heard of…
In an effort to tone down my classroom (remove unnecessary color), I replaced my previous curtains with new ones! Post by Jessica Jackson Meacham.
Ever need a “redo” in your life? We’re lucky that we get a “redo” every new school year. One of my favorite things to “redo” is room arrangement. For room arrangement I consider, traffic flow, work spaces, and teaching spaces….
Recent addition to our classroom! #love Let me just say, "Where have you been all my life??" @Copernicused #edchat — Jessica Meacham (@jessicameacham) July 12, 2014
My thoughts/feelings/philosophy about this is that the room should be an empty canvas. As we learn throughout the year, we fill our room with evidence of our learning. I prefer student created things on the wall. None of the things on…
One of these years I’ll update this. The video below is from 2010-2011. A few things have changed (dyed curtains black, tiled floor, painted one wall blue, different area carpets, different wicker furniture, replaced white book bin shelving with new…
After 21 years as an elementary classroom teacher, I’m now teaching elementary STEAM (just finished my 5th year)! I love to create and share. #TeachersShareTeachers