An obstacle course (or Fun Park) for Robots? Why not!!??
We’ve done this challenge a few different ways:
- Using Edison Robots ONLY
- Using Meeperbot Robots ONLY
- Using a Variety of Robots all at Once
Moving forward, we will do this challenge, once every three years — and use all robots, rather than just one type. For the challenge, students are challenged to create unique structures for robots to navigate (drive over, around, through, under) and/or engage with (robot hockey, soccer, etc). They create Battlebot rings for robots that are especially designed to battle (Meeperbots and Edisons), when programmed.

To view and/or download the challenge files (pictures, videos, slide decks), click the arrow above!
If you are at all wavering about whether to do this in your classroom — I highly suggest that you give it a try!

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