Our classroom has over 2,000 books in it. They are well used throughout the year. In addition to using these books we also utilize books from our school library as well as books from the Door County Libraries. I love their online book request system. I choose up to 15 books to reserve and they are all sent to one library of my choice for pick up! Yay for easy-peasy!
The problem I started having with using so many books, from three different sources, was remembering which books came from where, as well as what books I used for what, and when I needed the books. To solve these problems, I came up with a Mentor Books list.
CL – classroom library SL – school library PL – public library
Hi Jessica:
I just wanted to say a big THANK-YOU for sharing your lessons on reading workshop and making all the resources you have put together for it easily accessible. I’ve been using your calendar binder ideas for a couple years now and am SO appreciative of the time you put in to update it yearly. Your students are so lucky to have you for their teacher. I wish I could be a fly on your wall, but am just as happy to be able to follow your blog! Best wishes for the new school year!
Betty, your kind words are very much appreciated. Thank you! I wish you a fantastic school year. =)