We have two Glowforge lasercutters. They are definitely under utilized, but that will change, once we get a fire extinguisher added to the room for peace of mind. The one project we did complete was to make plant markers for our schoolyard garden.
Students assisted by writing the names of the plants, scanning them into the software, and adding themm (and images of the plants) to assorted wooden spoons. They helped tape the spoons down and remove them from the lasercutter.
We won’t do this project every year, but it was a great “Get Your Feet Wet” project for us. Future foward, we will make signs for our Tiny Town buildings and Minature Treehouses. It’ll be our goal to use the lasercutter at least once a year, so there will be other yet-to-be-identified-projects.
Click the arrow below to acces the image files we used to create the garden markers.

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