Our shipment FINALLY arrived — three years in the making — these kits were hard to find and purchase in bulk at the price we desired! K’Nex kits come with a direction booklet, similar to how LEGO kits come with directions. We don’t use them that way, though! Instead, we engage in grade level challenges that get kids working in groups. It’s a joy to see the diverse solutions teams come up with!
Similar to KEVA planks, LEGO, Strawbees, etc — we work with the materials in a variety of ways and integrate them into other STEAM challenges. Since K’Nex were new to us this year, we’ll continue using these challenges in future years, but also keep the kits/materials availble for use during other challenges.
In otherwords, the kits don’t come out just once a year!
Each grade level works through a different challenge. Each challenge increases in difficulty/skill level.
- 4K: Insects
- 5K: Shelters
- 1st: Animals
- 2nd: Structures
- 3rd: Bridges
- 4th: Vehicles
- 5th: Wind Harnessing Machines
View and/or download the materials and resources by clicking the arrow below!

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