Ask An Expert

January 9, 2017 4 Comments

In Stopping the Revolving Door at Your Guided Reading Table – I share a strategy that takes the focus off of you as the sole source of help, empowering your students to identify others in the classroom that can help problem…

Survive Hallway Transitions

August 16, 2016 2 Comments

It’s not uncommon for my class to sometimes arrive late to recess, lunch, or a specialists class.  Why?  Because when we’re in the hallway, it’s expected that all students are making wise choices.  This isn’t an easy task to accomplish.  Whether it…

Daily 5 PBIS Booster

January 4, 2016 1 Comment

Today was our first day back from break!  I knew that students would be excited to see one another.  They get very social after long weekends! Our Daily 5 Room Maps are helpful during days like today!  The maps serve…

Good Luck Minis

November 8, 2014 No Comments

While on my annual Schoolhouse GB shopping trip, I ran across a display at the checkout counter.  You know where this is leading…right?  =)  It was the kind of display that was purposely put at the checkout counter because buyers-beware:…

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