This was our first exposure to Augmented Reality. I had my 5K-5th graders do the challenge and didn’t really make any modifications for my littles, other than demonstrate on the iPad while casting it to the SMARTboard. In a nutshell, students color the Dot Day sheet and then scan it using the iPad app, Quiver. I asked them to explore the app’s interface to see what else they could discover beyond their 2D circle transforming into a 3D sphere. They really enjoyed this activity!
Click the download arrow below to access the Augmented Reality Dot Day Challenge files:
- Slide Deck
- Pictures

We hope to incorporate this technology into future STEAM projects. How do you use Augmented Reality in your STEAM/STEM or Technology classes?

I LOVE this!!! Thank you!!!
Where did you get the sheets they colored on? This looks great! I am a new STEAM teacher and I have no idea what I am doing!
Oh dear — I must have fallen off the face of my blog-planet and didn’t realize you had commented/asked a question. SO sorry! The sheets are from: