Open House

Open House Mailing Meacham

We have Open House before school begins.  It is a time for families to come in and meet the teacher, tour the school, and bring in school supplies.  I don’t do anything special during Open House, other than make myself available for questions, comments, suggestions, and concerns.  Prior to Open House, I mail a “welcome” letter/packet.  It includes a letter to parents, school supply list, and class list.  When students enter the classroom, they receive a “To Do” sheet that they complete with their parents.

Open House Meacham

There are a few pieces of paperwork that I have parents fill out.  You can see them below.Open House Parent Paperwork Meacham

download-icon Download Open House Files

In addition to this paperwork, I have the room set up, with areas designated for supply “deposits.”  =]  They put all notebooks, binders, tissues, wipes, sipper baggies, etc in the correct pile.  The signs help them know what goes where.  All personal student supplies go in their storage box, which is labeled ahead of time.  When finished in the classroom, they find the backpack hooks (outside of the classroom), their locker, tour the school, and visit with other specialist teachers.Open House Supply Piles Meacham

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